
We're Back!

It's the little things in life that really matter! I've been away from the blog for a bit, re-centering and spending some time focusing on the family. It was a totally chaotic December and we needed a few weeks to regroup and get back into the rhythm of the family-no matter how wild!

Lots has been happening, the baby is crawling, has 2 teeth and saying da-da. The big kids are enjoying pretending to travel to the moon, riding a pirate ship and making up new unknown lands full of mystery. Mama is working on knitting a wool lap blanket for us... well mostly "me" to snuggle on these upcoming cold winter months. Dad is trying to kick a cold, and we all know how miserable the boys get when they are when sick... worse than the kids.

I'm looking forward to a lot in 2011. Another year watching my kids grow and change. Tons & tons of projects rolling around in my head. I just need a few quiet hours a week to actually get to them [or a baby who sleeps through the night--either please]. Two of our family friends will welcome new babies to their families-we all know how much I love babies! I hope 2011 brings us much happiness & time together.

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