
New Friends

It's been a long week here at the Kunklebaby household!! An extra-preggo Mama is getting slower & slower getting things done. Everything from laundry and household things, to getting up from the couch. Things take longer and require more effort. Luckily, this baby is headed out into the world shortly.

Mr. {D} also had surgery this week, he had his tonsils & adenoids removed and his lining of his nose scraped down. It's been a tough recovery for him! This is the longest he has been quiet for his entire life! Normally the chatter box of the house, it's actually erie how silent it seems without his conversation.

The morning of his surgery, I made him this little friend to take along and keep him company.
Mr. {D} is completely into anything that has to do with vampires-if it's mama made, even better. His little eyes lit up when I showed him this guy, bright & early before leaving the house. I started him about 10pm the night before, it was just one of those moments where a mom knows her little one needs something special-made with love! He has not left his side since, so I think it's safe to say he's helping with the healing process.
Happy Earth Day everyone!!


andrea creates said...

Too cute! How sweet that you stayed up making this the night before.Hope he's doing better now :)
Take care~

Kunklebaby said...

Thanks Andrea! :D

JWhiz said...

That was so sweet of you. Its absolutely adorable!