Well, at 3 months old, [yes, he turned 3 months over the weekend-time is flying] he is already in size 12-month clothes. [yikes!] Many of the baby patterns in books only go up to a size 12, or 18 month size. [blah-for people whose babies come out around the 9-10lb range!] I figured I better get going if I wanted to use a few of the patterns. These are the first pants I made specifically for {J}-many, many to follow. He has a matching dog shirt that didn't make it into these pictures. These pants are made from a pattern in the Amy Butler book, Little Stitches. I'm going to try and make one of the fun hats in the book, while his head is small enough to fit.
The new Anna Marie Horner book, is great because the sizes for babes, goes to 24m. I'm looking forward to making the little jacket in the book, and a few pairs of the quick Change trousers. I made a pair already [yes-super easy!], but they are still too large and will be winter pants.
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